This Just In! Attention!

My hope is that you all had a great Thanksgiving! For those of you gearing up for finals (like I am), my condolences and prayers are with you. Just a little further – we’re almost there.
I wanted to let you know about a couple of changes to the Young Adult calendar (view it here, or click the link on the right hand side of this site). FIRST off, sign-up hasn’t been very good for the Christmas Tree decorating fundraiser on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9th. SO, we are making it a half day instead of all day. We will meet at the church at 11:30am, go get some lunch together, and then decorate a few trees. Be as festive as you’re comfortable with…I for one plan on wearing a Santa Claus hat.
SECOND, the last Thursday night Ecclesia & Coffee (meeting at Panera Bread off of Somerville Circle and hanging out) will be on December 28th. It isn’t filling a niche for people, and next semester I’ll be having class on Thursday nights. So, the remaining dates are 11/30, 12/7, 12/21, 12/28. If you are home on break, or off from work, on 12/28 stop by. We can begin at Panera Bread and then head off somewhere else if the mood strikes us.
THIRD, the Young Adult group is handling lunch for the District Day of Learning at the church on Saturday, January 13th. What this means from your end is that I need as many people as possible to be at the BUMC at 9am (or earlier if you can be there!) on that Saturday to help make sandwiches and put lunches together. This is a fundraiser and the proceeds will go towards are mission trip. This is an important point because we are in the midst of a budget crunch at the church and the Young Adult group may end up with a smaller budget than last year…which means we need all the fundraising we can get if we want to go anywhere this summer!
OK, folks. I know this has been a very nuts-and-bolts type of email, but sometimes those are necessary. Grace and peace to you.