How to Solve The World's Problems

Hey Gang,
Holy Election Batman! (If you’re confused, that’s a reference to a campy 60’s TV series based on the comic book character…here is a picture of Adam West and Burt Ward, who played Batman and Robin, respectively.)
We’re already into the thick of November and we find ourselves with a new Congress. Both the House and the Senate are going to switch from Republican to Democrat come January. Nancy Pelosi is going to be the first female Speaker of the House…but by and large we are changing one group of rich white men for another group of rich white men (most of whom are also lawyers). Makes me wonder just how much of a difference it will make in our society…and its our society that needs more fixing than you might think. Most of the hotly debating issues in our country, from war to gay marriage and everything in between, boil down to this: we as individuals not treating the people we meet in life with love, respect, and compassion.
And that’s where the Jesus business comes in. The lessons on how to live in community with one another, taught to us by Jesus through the accounts of his life found in the Bible, are absolutely invaluable. More Jesus = Less Suffering. There endith the lesson.
Whoa! What’s all this then? Why is Kevin getting all heavy on us? Because this is the kind of stuff you aren’t going to get on YouTube, Fox, Fuse, or XM. Peace.
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