Young Adult Mission Trip 2007

Hey All,
OK, it time to start talking about where to go on mission in 2007. Firm dates are not in place, but it will probably be around the same dates as last year (August 6-12 ish). Some people expressed an interest in going back to New Orleans. Some want to go somewhere new. There's benefits to either idea. So, I want to hear from you! Let me know where YOU want to go be the hands and feet of Christ, and be in service to others. Right now, dare to dream. If you want to go on mission to Timbuktu (which by the way is in Africa...and there was an 80's band called 'Timbuk 3'...see pic to right...they did the song "The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades"), say so!
Last week Ecclesia and coffee was cool...although I think I was the only one actually drinking coffee...hmmm...and lunch on Sunday was good as well (we came up with a great fundraising idea...details to come out soon).
OK, that's all for the moment. OH! I almost forgot. Switchfoot is playing in NYC on November 8th (a Wednesday). Check their website for details. Tickets were still available last I checked.
Grace and Peace,
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