December Fundraiser Details - $$$!!!

Hey Team!,
OK, here’s the scoop on the Fundraiser. We are going to decorate Christmas trees (for the appropriate donation)! What with all the various things going on in peoples’ lives, not everyone is either able or has time to decorate their Christmas tree. So that’s where we come in. We need to assemble a BUMC Young Adult Christmas Tree Swat Team to go to peoples’ houses and decorate their trees (see the before and after pictures attached). Here’s the rest of the details:
When: Saturday, December 9th
Where: Locations in and around Bridgewater, Raritan, Somerville, etc.
Time: Basically all day. Meet at the church at 9am (Yeah, I know that's early, but such is life...ok ok, I'll bring donuts).
Now I know that some of you are not local, or will be studying for finals that day. And to you I say good luck and you’ll be in my prayers. BUT, some of you are local, or will be out of school by then, and we need people for this fundraiser. So PLEASE email or call me to let me know if you’ll be helping out with this. The powers that be will look favorably on participation J
We also need a couple people to sit at a table and take orders at church for a few Sundays beforehand. Also let me know if you can help with this part.
Alright, that’s it for now. Have a great weekend!
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