Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

Hello Folks!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! My hope is that you are having a great day, living into the ghoulishness of the occasion…in a Godly way of course ;) Did you know that Halloween is really a co-mingling of several traditions and practices, some dating back to the celebration of the ancient Celtic New Year? Check out this link to find out all about ‘How Halloween Works.’

What is it that draws us to scary stuff? Is it the adrenaline rush as the zombie on the movie screen jumps out of the closet? Is it the idea of things happening that are outside of the ordinary (i.e., supernatural)? I’m not sure, but there is something in the human condition that resonates with the inexplicable and, quite frankly, the frightening. Think on that…if you come up with anything insightful, let me know.

There’s some more stuff in the pipeline, but until its finalized, I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag…you know, I’ve known cats that really like being in bags. So I’m not sure that saying would resonate with all cat owners. Did you ever wonder about the origins of that phrase? Here’s what www.wordorigins.org has to say about it… “This phrase meaning to disclose a secret is from an old scam of selling someone a suckling pig at market and then surreptitiously substituting a cat for the pig. If one lets the cat out of the bag, then the secret is revealed and the fraud discovered. The scam dates to at least 1530, but the phrase doesn't make its appearance until 1760.”

Have a good one.



Saturday, October 21, 2006

December Fundraiser Details - $$$!!!

Hey Team!,

OK, here’s the scoop on the Fundraiser. We are going to decorate Christmas trees (for the appropriate donation)! What with all the various things going on in peoples’ lives, not everyone is either able or has time to decorate their Christmas tree. So that’s where we come in. We need to assemble a BUMC Young Adult Christmas Tree Swat Team to go to peoples’ houses and decorate their trees (see the before and after pictures attached). Here’s the rest of the details:

When: Saturday, December 9th

Where: Locations in and around Bridgewater, Raritan, Somerville, etc.

Time: Basically all day. Meet at the church at 9am (Yeah, I know that's early, but such is life...ok ok, I'll bring donuts).

Now I know that some of you are not local, or will be studying for finals that day. And to you I say good luck and you’ll be in my prayers. BUT, some of you are local, or will be out of school by then, and we need people for this fundraiser. So PLEASE email or call me to let me know if you’ll be helping out with this. The powers that be will look favorably on participation J

We also need a couple people to sit at a table and take orders at church for a few Sundays beforehand. Also let me know if you can help with this part.

Alright, that’s it for now. Have a great weekend!



Monday, October 16, 2006

Young Adult Mission Trip 2007

Hey All,

OK, it time to start talking about where to go on mission in 2007. Firm dates are not in place, but it will probably be around the same dates as last year (August 6-12 ish). Some people expressed an interest in going back to New Orleans. Some want to go somewhere new. There's benefits to either idea. So, I want to hear from you! Let me know where YOU want to go be the hands and feet of Christ, and be in service to others. Right now, dare to dream. If you want to go on mission to Timbuktu (which by the way is in Africa...and there was an 80's band called 'Timbuk 3'...see pic to right...they did the song "The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades"), say so!

Last week Ecclesia and coffee was cool...although I think I was the only one actually drinking coffee...hmmm...and lunch on Sunday was good as well (we came up with a great fundraising idea...details to come out soon).

OK, that's all for the moment. OH! I almost forgot. Switchfoot is playing in NYC on November 8th (a Wednesday). Check their website for details. Tickets were still available last I checked.

Grace and Peace,

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

October = Leaves and the Red Baron...

Hey hey,

Another October is upon us! I find that fall is definitely my favorite season. The air gets crisp and there's just a certain smell to it. Football of course is in full swing. Leaves fall...which is cool...and I rake leaves...which is not quite as cool. Things that are pumpkin flavored start popping up all over. And no October would be complete without seeing "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!"...I think its because I always wanted to be the WWI fighting ace, dueling across the skies with the Red Baron. ABC has had the broadcast rights since 2001, and since this is the 40th anniversay of the cartoon, I'm sure they'll air it as Halloween draws near. Oddly, I haven't been able yet to find out what night its going to be on...if anybody finds out, let me know.

This month is also when we're kicking off some stuff: weekly Thursday night gathering at Panera Bread (Ecclesia & Coffee), bowling this Saturday the 7th, and lunch after church on the 15th.

Here's a question for you all: Some churches are against Halloween because of all the non-Christian connotations it carries...witches (wicca), ghosts, demons, vampires, etc etc. What are your thoughts? This is something I'm sure we'll talk about at Ecclesia or lunch, but this is a good chance for you non-local collegey types to weigh in....

Have a great day.
