Ghosts of Cold Wars past

Hello my friends,
Just some jots and tittles today, as I see it's been too long since I last posted. This upcoming Sunday is my last sermon at BUMC. If you can make either the 8:30 or 10:00am service, it would be good to see you. If you haven't heard yet, the blood donation/lunch plan is off for tomorrow - there was no one who could give me a definite yes that they were going to participate.
In other news...when I was a "young-an", it was sort of like living in the middle of an action movie. We, the United States, were the good guys. And our enemy, on the other side of the world, the Evil Empire, was the USSR. Being a Cold War kid was quite an experience. I figured it was something that you all would miss out on. BUT, what I'm seeing out of Russia these days is sort of frightening. Putin is an old-school KGB guy, and he's pulling the same kind of stunts that I used to see as a kid. 'Taint good, as we say up north.
The Olympics are underway, and our own Michael Phelps is doing his best fish impression. It's amazing how as a race, humanity keeps bettering itself physically. We keep reaching new peaks of physical ability. If only the same could be said for us as a race, spiritually. But I fear that is not the case. That makes me curious...I wonder what a Spiritual Olympics would look like? What events would there be, and how would you judge them? Things that make you go hmmm...
That's all for the moment. My last Sunday at the church will be the 24th. Whenever it is I send out my last blog post, I'll do my best to introduce you to the seminarian(s) who are joining the ranks of BUMC once the new school year starts.
Be well my friends.
PS I've decided I'm going to wear a Hawaiian shirt to my wedding instead of a tux...what do you think of the above pic? Can you picture that with a black suit jacket?
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