Families...they're just crazy aren't they?

Do y’all know much about family systems theory? Now, before your eyes glaze over let me say this: those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it! I’m not talking about military tactics here, or government policies. I mean how your family (however you define that term) interacts. The pattern of those interactions is likely to carry on into the next generation…for better or ill. If you are aware of what those interactions are, and how you fit into that “family system”, then you can work on changing those dynamics – if you want to.
Why am I bringing this up? Because I just spent two days exploring my family system and my place in it. This type of psychological testing is part of the ordination process.
But there is another reason I bring it up, that is church related. Is not a congregation like a family, in a sense? Really any close-knit community is. So the same kinds of interactions and patterns that apply to families apply to congregations as well. Does that make you think about church in maybe a way you haven’t before? Does it at least open up some new avenues of thought on how the church (or your family) functions?
And speaking of family systems, Father’s Day is coming up. For those of you who have lost your father, or are estranged from him, or just don’t have a good relationship with him…know that I am praying for you. For those of you who do have a good relationship with your Dad – I rejoice with you in that.
That’s all for the moment. Now that I’ve cleared a path through my other responsibilities, it’s time to go full speed ahead on the mission trip to Pittsburgh! God rocks! Whoo-hoo!!
Grace and Peace,
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