Hurray for Phlegm!...ok, maybe not.

Greetings all,
Well, I have been sick. Yuck! It’s been about a week now since it first started. It peaked Thursday night I think, when I had a fever and chills. Since then I’ve been slowly getting better, but it hasn’t been fast enough for me. I think what I dislike the most about being sick is that feeling that I’m not in control of my body. No matter how much I will it, I can’t stop myself from coughing at night. No matter how hard I try, I can’t make myself feel anymore energetic than I am (which isn’t very!). It’s an unwelcome intrusion of reality into my nice little universe of believing that my body is a tool to be used at my discretion, in whatever way I see fit.
It’s also an unwelcome glimpse of the future…think about it. It’s more likely than not that we will meet our mortal demise after a long life (its true that some will die before their time, but it’s not the norm…otherwise it wouldn’t be “before their time” – tricky, eh?). But even with good medicine and technological advances, the body of an 80 year old is not the body of a 20 year old. Over time you lose certain abilities. You start to deal with increasing limitations. It’s not really about you controlling your body. It’s more about you negotiating with your body in order to do what you can, come to terms with what you can’t, and learn the gift of letting others help you.
Perhaps the experience of being sick is really a lesson in grace. Or maybe I’ve been taking too much cough medicine and drinking too much decaf tea. It’s your call.
Hey, happy belated April Fools Day by the way...did you play a prank on anyone?As soon as I’m fully back on my feet expect to see more about the mission trips (to Atlantic City at the end of May, and Pittsburgh in early August), including a new blog site, etc. I’m pushing for early commitments this year so we can get everything set with a minimum of churn.
Alright. Be well my friends. Peace of Christ to you!
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