Quid est veritas?

So if Jesus is the truth, then what is a lie? I believe that the answer is un-Christlike, literally. If Jesus is the truth, then anything we willfully do that is not like Jesus is not truth…and therefore a lie. Now, I’m not being shallow about this. I don’t mean to say that when you watch TV your being not like Jesus because Jesus didn’t have a TV. I’m talking about when you live out relationship in a way that is incongruous with how Jesus lived out relationship. The example could be big (pushing someone down a flight of stairs) or small (telling someone ‘yes’ [or ‘maybe’] when you know the answer to their question or invitation is ‘no’). But either way it is un-Christlike…and so is lie.
Take some time to think about that. Think about truth as a person rather than a proposition…and see if it alters how you operate in relation to others.
Grace and peace to you,
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