Throw Me THE Life Preserver

On this day in 1920 the Turkish Grand National Assembly had its’ first meeting in Ankara. Mass beachings have been associated with active sonar. The U.S. Dept of Energy expects wind power to supply 5 percent of our power supply by 2020. In Baltimore, Maryland it is not legal to take a lion to the movies. Fire stations have circle staircases because back when fire engines were pulled by horses, the horses were stabled in the station and learned how to walk up straight flights of stairs.
What possible reason could I have for giving you this non-sequitor list of bizarre statements (most of which were found at Because I’m trying to demonstrate that we are inundated, bombarded, and deluged with information. We have gone way past simply being in the Information Age. We are drowning in an information flood of biblical proportions (nice reference to Noah, eh?)!
Information has trumped formation. And we run from it to keep our sanity. Some of you don’t check your regular email and so will never read this. It’s because your inboxes are full of junk from various things/people/places trying to get your attention. And so you run to Instant Messaging…but as time goes on you find you get inundated there as well. And so you spend most of your time texting. But it’s a false security. The phone companies are already sending out mass text messages and the time will come when you get inundated there with unwanted information as well. Places like Facebook and MySpace provide some refuge as well for the time being…but you won’t be able to hide there forever.
Everyone wants your attention…mostly so you will spend money. Because without you spending money the great capitalist economy grinds to a halt.
For my part, I play the game as well. After sending out the mass email saying the blog is updated I’ll announce on Facebook that the blog is updated in the hope that you’ll hear my faint voice above the ever-increasing din of those seeking your attention.
But here’s the difference: I’m not trying to sell you anything…because what I have is not mine to give. It comes from another, who has been gracious enough to lend it to me. What is it? Well, not to sound like a Boomer reminiscing, but it is Peace and Love. Peace of heart. Depth of love. It comes with a personal relationship with the Risen Christ, and it’s really all the information you need.
Be well my friends,
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