Happy Halloween

Hello Folks!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! My hope is that you are having a great day, living into the ghoulishness of the occasion…in a Godly way of course ;) Did you know that Halloween is really a co-mingling of several traditions and practices, some dating back to the celebration of the ancient Celtic New Year? Check out this link to find out all about ‘How Halloween Works.’
What is it that draws us to scary stuff? Is it the adrenaline rush as the zombie on the movie screen jumps out of the closet? Is it the idea of things happening that are outside of the ordinary (i.e., supernatural)? I’m not sure, but there is something in the human condition that resonates with the inexplicable and, quite frankly, the frightening. Think on that…if you come up with anything insightful, let me know.
There’s some more stuff in the pipeline, but until its finalized, I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag…you know, I’ve known cats that really like being in bags. So I’m not sure that saying would resonate with all cat owners. Did you ever wonder about the origins of that phrase? Here’s what www.wordorigins.org has to say about it… “This phrase meaning to disclose a secret is from an old scam of selling someone a suckling pig at market and then surreptitiously substituting a cat for the pig. If one lets the cat out of the bag, then the secret is revealed and the fraud discovered. The scam dates to at least 1530, but the phrase doesn't make its appearance until 1760.”
Have a good one.