Come for Coffee...Stay for Conversation

Hey All,
What are you doing Sunday night, May 29th, at 7:30pm? I ask because I know what I'm going to be doing: hanging around at Panera Bread off of the Somerville Circle. What say you come too, eh? If nothing else, it'll be a chance to say hi and get caught up on what's going on. I'd be happy to talk about the mission trip if you have questions about it...but I'd also enjoy just shooting the breeze and seeing where you stand on important issues like high gas prices, and the passing of George Carlin. This is getting thrown together last minute, but it's also a really low-stress sort of a come, you get a drink and/or a baked good, and you hang out.
No need to RSVP on this, just come by - I'll be within sight of the door.
Between now and then I'll not be checking email much...but feel free to give me a call or text me if you need to get a hold of me (the church has my cell number).
Oh, hey, I went to see REM in concert last week. They were pretty good. Not great, but good enough that I was glad I went. If there was something I'd criticize, it's that there was too much biting political commentary. And it doesn't really matter which way the commentary went, either. When you are polarizing, you are dividing and not uniting. Our country, and our world, desparately needs uniting.
This has been sort of a mish-mash post...but hey, that's what blogging is for!
I'll be praying for all of you this week.