It's Time to Serve!

Greetings and salutations!,
Well, my trip to South Dakota got cancelled. So instead I spent a few days back home in snowbound Pulaski, NY. It snowed almost 4 feet while I was there. Ah…nothing like home, eh?
So, on with the show! Let me tell you about the mission trip opportunities this summer. There are three options:
1) Pittsburgh, PA (Sunday August 3rd – Saturday, August 9th). This service opportunity will be “buffet style”, like the Toronto trip was last year. By that I mean that we’ll engage in a variety of ministries while we are there in order to get a feel for the city and the levels of need that are there. The specific ministry opportunities are still in flux, but one of them will be a children’s hospital. As I am able to hash out the others I will fill everyone in. This trip is geared towards college students, but any young adult is welcome. Cost is $100 per person.
2) Taize, France (Thursday July 24th – Monday August 4th). This is a spiritual pilgrimage that is organized and run by the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. It is an absolutely incredible experience. Please check out these links for more info: and Cost is $1899. BUMC has a few hundred dollars available for scholarship, and there are other scholarships available at the District and Conference level. I encourage you to consider taking a leap of faith and consider this journey!
3) Atlantic City (TBA). This service opportunity will be a long weekend – likely a Thursday night through Sunday afternoon. The dates haven’t been set yet, but it will either be late May or mid August. This will involve being in service to the poor of the area, working in places like the Atlantic City Rescue Mission. This trip is geared towards post-college young professionals, but any young adult is welcome. Cost is $75 per person.
Please let me know which service opportunity you are interested in. I hope that you will feel led to be the hands and feet of Christ this summer and participate in some type of service to others.
Grace and Peace,