The Color of Objects that do not reflect visible light

Hello YA’s and OYA’s (Young Adults and Older Young Adults),
Today is Saturday. Yesterday was:
-Black Friday. It’s the day that’s recognized as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. It was originally called “black” because of the bad traffic, but has come to be associated with retailers being ‘in the black’ because of the day…i.e., turning a profit. Here are other ‘black days’…
-Black Monday. On October 19th, 1987 the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 508 points…a fall of 22.6%.
-Black Thursday (October 24th, 1929). This was the beginning of the great stock market crash of 1929. Prices fell sharply as a record 12.9 million shares were traded that day.
-Black Tuesday (October 29th, 1929). The market lost $14 billion in value that day, almost 5 times the budget of the federal government.
-Black Saturday (August 4, 1621). A particularly dark and stormy day in Scotland.
-Black Sunday (April 14, 1935). Day that a series of intense dust storms swept across the US and Canadian prairie lands, causing severe damage.
And here are a couple of ‘black’ religious references…just because (based on entries in Wikipedia):
-Black Pope. This is a nickname for the leader of the Jesuits, a Catholic religious order.
-Black Mass. This is probably best described as a ritual or ceremony that is a parody of a Roman Catholic mass. It’s typically associated with witchcraft and such.
-Black Church. There are several denominations whose worshippers are primarily African-American. Here are some of them…three of which are Methodist:
-African Methodist Episcopal (AME)
-African Methodist Episcopal Zion (AME Zion) [I live 3 doors down from a church of this denomination]
-National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
-Church of God in Christ
-African Union First Colored Methodist Protestant Church and Connection (A.U.M.P.)
-Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (CME)
-Pentecostal Assemblies of The World, Inc. (PAW)
-Apostolic Faith Church (AFC)
Our pic today is of Richard Allen, the first African-American Bishop and founder of the AME Church. He was ordained by Francis Asbury…who was BIG in the early Methodist Church.
Be well my friends. I hope you are all still sleepy from eating too much turkey!