Thursday, November 08, 2007

When the eternal becomes tangible...

Hey Folks,

Have you ever heard of the term “thin places”? Not like thin ice, or a thin sheet of paper, but thin places? According to Celtic spirituality, it’s a place and time where two worlds meet…our world and something that isn’t our world. Here is how it’s described one website: “Thin Places are ports in the storm of life, where the pilgrims can move closer to the God they seek, where one leaves that which is familiar and journeys into the Divine Presence.” I would consider this a possible definition, but not an all-encompassing one.

Have you had an experience that you can’t explain? Have you ever been in a place and time where you felt a connection with God that was above and beyond anything you could conceive? These would be examples of thin places, where the veil between our world and the next is slightly pulled back.

A person who is dying in a hospital says that they have been talking with a family member who is long dead. Are they confused and delusional? Perhaps not. Some people believe they see the auras of people, either occasionally or consistently. Are they all addled in the head? Perhaps not.

Not convinced yet that things happen that haven’t been adequately explained to us, including by the Church? I’ll go out on a limb and share one of the odd experiences that I have witnessed.

My Dad passed away in 1998. On the morning he died, at the time he died, three things happened simultaneously. I woke up, which is not so special. But two of my nieces, in different states but of about the same age, ran crying into their parents bedrooms saying that they wanted their grandpa. I can’t explain in any scientific way why that happened. My suspicion though is that my Dad said goodbye to the family at the time he moved over. That was a space and time that I would describe as a thin place.

Yeah, I know. Weird stuff this post. But life is weird. Have a good one.




At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Kevin and all....these occurances are much more "normal" and everyday than you would maybe think......we just often don't tune into them. God is constantly reaching out to us, seeking us, loving us....awesome, huh?


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