Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Jots and Tittles!

Hello My Friends!,

Well, the summer is lurching and listing towards a close. I hope that yours has been fun, and that you are ready to either: get back to school, get back to the normal work routine, get back to whatever it is you do when it isn’t summer!

My summer has been busy, challenging, and wonderful. The chaplaincy gig is over (but I’m going to be doing more of it as time goes on), the mission trip to Toronto is done (great stuff), and now I’m finally getting some stuff done around the house that’s been mocking me all summer (like painting the porch roof and fixing the front steps).

The two pics with this post are from our intrepid India explorer, Keely. The one pic is her room, replete with netting to keep out the insects. The other is some of the beauty that exists in India once you leave the cities behind you.

Our next outing is Friday August 24th and we’ll go mini-golfing. I haven’t checked, but I’m pretty sure there’s a place on route 22 that we can go golf at. So, we’ll meet at the church at 7pm and then head over.

Also, in the next couple weeks I’m going to try and arrange a service opportunity for us this fall. If you have a request as to what type of service let me know. Otherwise, it’ll probably be at Elijah’s Promise soup kitchen in New Brunswick.

That’s all for now. Be well.

Grace and Peace,


PS Curious about the post title? It’s something my Systematic professor used to say…I think it basically just means minutia, details, bits and pieces, etc.


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