John Wesley and a change of Seasons...

Greetings and salutations,
Well, the summer is upon us! I know, I know, not officially, but for all intents and purposes. But for you purists, summer indeed does not begin until June 21st…the summer solstice. Do you know technically what the solstice is? It’s when the earth is most tilted towards the sun (or away from the sun if it’s the winter solstice…this is of course from our northern hemisphere perspective).
Throughout human history the solstice has been of significance. In ancient China, barbarian Europe, and the Roman Empire the date was important. Some sects of early Judaism held it in high regard, as do some American Indian cultures. There is also some evidence that Stonehenge was used as an astronomical tool and certain parts of it appear to be solstice-specific.
But enough about the solstice. To prove that dorky religious humor can be on something cool like YouTube, I commend to you “John Wesley – Chapel Linebacker”. This is a video that has a guy who is supposed to be John Wesley (the founder of the Methodist movement) running around and tackling people at a college. Us seminarians find it hilarious, but you just might find it bizarre…in which case, I’ve done my job. Have a great day!
Oh, and see some of you at Dave & Buster’s on the 22nd…check the Young Adult calendar (link at right) for details…
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