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Toronto houses more than 80 different ethnic groups, speaking more than 110 languages, making it the most ethnically-diverse city in the world.
In 1998 there were 80,000 new immigrants who came to Toronto from 169 different countries.
Toronto's Downtown Walkway, an underground city stretching beneath the streets of the downtown core, is one of the world's largest subterranean complexes. It extends over 6 miles, and the more than 1,000 retail stores and restaurants within its network make it the third-largest shopping center in North America.
Welfare benefits dropped by 22% in 1996.
Use of food banks increased by over 50% in 1996.
The demand on homeless shelters, particularly in the winter, has increased dramatically as a byproduct of cuts in social services.
In 1996, three homeless people froze to death while sleeping on the streets in Toronto.
Toronto is also a magnet for teenage runaways from across North America. It is estimated that over 10,000 teenagers live on the streets in Metropolitan Toronto. These young men and women are quickly lured into drugs, prostitution, and various forms of petty crime. You can see these teenagers all over the city--sleeping in doorways, cleaning car windows for spare change, and hanging out on Yonge Street, Toronto's "main street".
I encourage you to check out the website for more info. The young adult mission trip to Toronto will be August 5-11. Consider taking some time out of your busy schedules this summer to be the hands and feet of Christ. People need your help.
If you haven't already, let me know if you're interested in the trip or have questions: kolds{at}drew.edu. There are still some slots left to go, and the sooner we have our final count the better.
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