To all the Whos in Who-ville...

I have some great news: I’m done with finals!! To those of you who are as well, congrats, you made it ;) To those of you who aren’t finished yet, we’re rooting for you. To those of you not in school, I hope you’ve hung up something Christmassy in your cube or near your desk.
Well, its Advent. Or, as I like to call it, College Bowl Season! Starting Friday there will be some college football championship games, and bowl games start next week. Exciting stuff, if you’re into college football.
Say, what’s your favorite Christmas TV special? Is it the Grinch? How about Rudolf? Anything involving Scrooge? If you’ve kept up with this blog, you know I’m a Charlie Brown guy. And here is one of the reasons why: the Charlie Brown Christmas special is the ONLY one I’ve seen that talks about the real Christmas story (A Claymation Christmas gets close because it uses a couple hymns, but it isn’t shown anymore from what I can tell). The Peanuts gang (ie, Charlie Brown) actually uses a passage from the Bible. The others tend to talk about Santa Claus is some way, shape, or form. Its something to think about...just who's holiday is this, anyway?
The Christmas Tree Fundraiser was a lot of fun. We didn’t make much money, but I really enjoyed the fellowship we had…and the spinning Christmas tree that was at one house. The next fundraiser is Saturday, January 13th when we will be preparing and providing lunches for the District Day of Learning.
Next, about our trip into NYC on Saturday, 12/23. I need a headcount, for a couple reasons. First, I need to know how much $ I’m signing the church up for in terms of partially subsidizing this excursion. Second, knowing how many people will help determine mode of transportation (train all the way in vs. driving part way and then taking the train vs. whatever). SO, LET ME KNOW IF YOU THINK YOU’LL BE ATTENDING. I mean it, I need to know!
OK, about the calendar. I have a previous engagement to watch Rutgers play in the Texas Bowl on Thursday, 12/28, so we’re going to have to cancel the last Ecclesia and Coffee. In its place, however, let’s have a couple drop-ins. I’m working on dates and locations, but they will both be mid-weekish: one between Christmas and New Years and one that first week after New Years. You can be proactive by letting me know (by phone, email, texting, carrier-pigeon, etc) if a particular date works for you. We’ll get it hashed out by like Monday or Tuesday of next week – so keep an eye out for an email and periodically check the calendar.
Alright, folks, that’s all for now. I’m about to head out of town for a few days and won’t be getting back until Sunday evening. So, if you are home this weekend I unfortunately won’t see you in church. But I really do want to meet up with as many of you as possible that I haven’t met yet (as well as those I have met!), and this time of year is the best chance. Call me or email me while you’re home. Make it to a drop-in and/or the trip into NYC. Come find me at church and introduce yourself. Without Young Adults there isn’t a Young Adult Group – this is all for you and all about you.
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