The Monk Down the Street...

Fellow Travelers on the Journey,
What do you think of when you think of monasticism? Do you think of Friar Tuck from Robin Hood? Do you think of the self-abusive monks from Monty Python’s Holy Grail? Do you think of medieval castles and knights and, most of all, Roman Catholics? Well I don’t blame you – that’s mostly the images given to us by mainstream culture.
Yet the truth is that monasticism is alive and well, both in a traditional sense and in a new way. There are lots of monks and nuns in cassocks and habits living in monasteries and convents…and doing God’s work and striving to make the world a better place through their actions (both active and contemplative).
But I wanted to introduce you today to the new monasticism. It’s being lived out by people your (and my) age, in cities all around the United States. Young adults, both men and women, are living together in intentionally Christian communities and are living lives that are exceedingly simple and service-oriented. Now when I say “Christian Community” I’m not talking about a mall that has all Christian stores or a place where everyone goes to the same church. I mean a group of men and women living in a house and doing work in the community. They aren’t associated with denominations and institutional hierarchies. They are simply people, living simply, in community and doing what they think Jesus would do to ease the suffering in our world. It’s a pretty radical and provocative concept, eh?
Here are a few websites to check out if you want some more information. Give them a look…the whole thing is pretty cool…
And these are just a few. There’s more going on with this thing than you might expect. This link is to an mp3 about the movement. It's long, but quite informative and interesting. Oh, and here’s the Wikipedia page:
Have a great day!