All Good Things...

Dear Ones,
By this title I do not mean the Nelly Furtado video. I do not mean the movie of the same title coming out next year. And I most certainly do not mean the Mandy Moore song. If you thought of the last episode of Star Trek the Next Generation, you're in the ballpark. I remember watching that series finale in the basement of my college dorm with a bunch of other people...but I digress. I refer with the title of this post to my position as Student Assistant Pastor with BUMC. This Sunday, August 24th, is my last Sunday both on staff and as a regular part of the worshipping community.
I do not, however, consider it the end of my relationship with BUMC. You are all in my heart, as I hope I am in yours. As I have been saying, its been a challenging and wonderful journey these past two years. The Book of Worship of the UMC has an Order of Farewell to a Pastor in it. Part of that ceremony is for both the pastor and the congregation to offer and ask for forgiveness from each other. So I do with you: I ask for forgiveness, and I offer to you as well.
But, of course, the story cannot end there. And while 'all good things must come to an end', the band Semisonic reminds us that 'every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end.' It is with joy that I tell you that the new seminarian entering into relationship with college students is Casey Langley (see pic)! She's goes to school at Princeton Theological Seminary, and I'm excited about her coming on board at BUMC. Friend her on Facebook!
As for the older young adults (a.k.a., the young professional types), they have created their own ministry group called Bridges. They will be in relationship with a different seminarian, Mike Sparrow (see pic) from Drew Theological School.
My friends, go in peace and go with God. Pray for me, as I pray for you. Consider Christ in all that you do.