Go to the Atlantic City Rescue Mission!

Hey Gang,
Let me give you some info about the Atlantic City Rescue Mission. Beyond being a simple soup kitchen, it is also a shelter. And beyond being a shelter, it also has a series of programs that help equip people to be self-sufficient in society. There are programs for men, for women, and for families (which typically consists of a single mother with a child or children). Programs for detox, for crisis intervention, for housing location, for prison re-entry, etc. In addition to the facility being a shelter and a soup kitchen (and an area food pantry), there is also a medical clinic there. And there are several programs I have not mentioned as well.
Now I’ll shoot you some numbers. The mission served over 280,000 meals in 2007, helped over 8000 people and provided almost 95000 beds of safe shelter. 56% of their funding came from individual gifts. Almost 95% of their expenditures go towards programs or development.
It is the only rescue mission in southern New Jersey. That’s a travesty and an embarrassment for the State of New Jersey, and for the Body of Christ. This is a place where you can not only be the hands and feet of Christ, but you can also learn a lot about love for your neighbor and the Gospel message while you do it. Consider taking a trip down to AC to help your fellow child of God…rather than having fun at the casinos.
I was down there with for a day with some of our own (thanks Veronica, Greg, Jenn, and Nicholas) helping and learning. I encourage you to do the same.
Grace and Peace!,