Elections, BCS, and the Church

Young Adults!,
Well, it’s happening again. Arguments. Controversy. The strange fruit of an obvious imperfect system. During this time of year, we’ve come to expect it. Am I talking about the insanity of our two-party system of government and the election craziness that we can’t get away from?
NO! I’m talking about the BCS (Bowl Championship Series)! After much bally-hooing (look up the term here), it’s going to be Ohio State and LSU in the NCAA football championship game. Are they the best two teams in the nation? Maybe not. Are they the two hottest teams right now? Definitely not! Are they the two teams that deserve to play for the championship based on the BCS system? Yes. And that’s an indictment of the BCS system.
There’s a parallel here for the earthly institution of the church. Now, I’m not talking about the theological concept of the church as the Body of Christ. That’s alive and well and very cool. I’m talking about the very earthly human construct that involves a lot of buildings with steeples and such [Important thing to note: These two “churches” are NOT mutually exclusive. Neither are they wholly synonymous.]
Is the earthly institution of the church focusing enough on what goes on outside the walls of the church building? Maybe not. Is it up to speed with the culture of the day and the context of the current generation? Definitely not! But is it the best option we have at the moment? Yes. That doesn’t mean you should be comfortable with it. God is well pleased with every step forward you take, but God is never satisfied with where you are. Similarly, we should celebrate each step the church takes to improve itself, but we should never be content with the state of the church. So don't give up on the church. But also don't lower your expectations for it. Be part of the change. Revolutionize the church. Transform the world. I dare you. Amen.
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